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What are free range chickens? A short guide

In this short guide, we will explain what free range chickens are, how they are raised and why they are a healthy food.

Image credit: Pixabay

Free range chickens

Free range chickens are chickens raised in a spacious, cage-free environment where they are given access to roam freely and forage on pasture.

The free range chickens have access to sunlight and fresh air and have ample space to grow. 

They also feed on fresh plants like grass and insects in the soil like worms, bugs. They have easy access to feed and water and are raised in a clean, sanitary environment.

In this guide, we will compare the free range chickens with conventionally raised chickens to further understand what free range chickens are. 

But first, we need to understand what conventionally raised chickens are.

What are conventionally raised chickens?

They are chickens raised in closed barns with no access to the outdoors. 

The hens live in battery cages while the meat chickens live in congested houses. 

They enjoy no sunlight and fresh air as they are provided with 24-hour artificial light to help them feed, making them grow exceptionally fast.

Free range chickens vs. conventionally raised chickens

In the 1920’s, when vitamin A and D were discovered, the need for sunlight and exercise for farm animals was virtually eliminated.

This allowed the farmers to raise large numbers of chickens indoors and in crowded barns. 

They were able to produce a lot of chickens in a short span of time. This was able to solve the growing demand of chicken meat and eggs.

It has now become the conventional way of raising chickens. The spread of disease and infections is now a concern especially when the animals are living in crowded conditions.

Free range chickens on the other hand are raised naturally, as nature intended. They live a healthier and happy life. 

They have the freedom to scratch and peck and feed on plants like grass and legumes as well as insects such as bugs and worms. 

They in turn get to feed a varied diet.

We will break down the benefits of free range chickens compared to the conventionally raised chickens.

No antibiotics, no hormones, humanely raised

The free range chickens contain no antibiotics, no hormones and the animals are raised humanely. 

They are raised free from any chemical substances. They are fed with all-natural feed, free from antibiotics.

Healthier and tastier

They are healthier and tastier than the conventional factory chicken since they feed on an organic feed and feed on pasture too. 

They get a varied, natural diet which makes them highly nutritious. They have a higher level of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Naturally raised

Free range chickens also mature slowly as nature intended. 

However the conventional chicken mature exceptionally fast since they are given antibiotics to accelerate their weight gain.

Proper care and attention

They are given proper care and attention by the farmers, which can be time consuming. 

They are diligently monitored by farmers, ensuring their every need is met at all times. This is why the free range chickens are pricier in the supermarkets.

Chicken feed

Free range chickens enjoy a natural and nutritious diet of quality cereal grains such as corn, wheat, sorghum and soya protein meals. 

They are supplemented by vitamins and minerals to ensure optimal health and well-being of the chicken.

Conventionally raised chicken on the other hand are fed with cheap chicken feed containing genetically modified (GMO) grains, animal slaughterhouse wastes and  antibiotics, which might affect the health of the chicken.

Consumer awareness

Consumers in turn are looking to buy healthier foods. 

They are aware of the health benefits of eating a chicken, which is being purchased more than ever. 

Therefore, the increase in awareness is fueling fast growth in the free range chicken farming.

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