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8 Health Benefits of Free Range Eggs

Image credit: Pixabay

Free range eggs are produced by hens raised in a cage-free environment, where they are given access to roam freely on pasture.

An egg protein is usually considered a complete protein. All eggs, despite the method in which the chickens are raised, have nutrients essential for human health.

However, free range eggs are way healthier compared to the normal factory eggs you find in the supermarket. This is mainly because of the way the chickens are raised.

A study conducted by Mother Earth News compared the nutritional value of free range eggs from 14 different farms with the standard USDA (US Department of Agriculture) conventional eggs.

They found out that the free range eggs are more nutritious than the conventional caged eggs. 

Here are some health benefits the free range eggs have compared to the conventional caged eggs.

1. Free range eggs have a higher nutritional value and great flavor

They are nutrient dense compared to caged eggs.

Chickens allowed to roam freely on pasture consume a variety of nutrients from their diet like green grass, insects, while caged chickens on factory farms only feed on a commercial diet, which is genetically modified and has fewer nutrients. 

The nutrients from the varied diet can be transferred to the eggs.

The free range eggs also have rich flavor and taste better than the caged eggs.

2. They have 2 times more Omega-3 essential fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for human health. They also help to balance the amount cholesterol and saturated fat found in the yolk. But the body doesn’t produce them. We get them from certain foods.

An egg is a great source of these fatty acids. They are found in the yolk of the egg.
A free range egg contains twice the amount of omega-3 fatty acids you’ll find in a caged egg.

3. Free range eggs have less cholesterol and saturated fat

They have 1/3 less cholesterol and 1/4 less saturated fat compared to the conventional caged eggs. 

Since there are more omega-3’s in free range eggs, they combine with lecithin, also found in the yolk, to balance the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat.

4. They have 7 times more beta carotene

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant, which helps the immune system. It is found in fresh plants and fruits, especially in colorful vegetables.

The yolks in free range eggs are darker and more colorful than conventional caged eggs. This is because they forage on grass and feed on insects and other nutrients in the pasture. 

5. They have more vitamin D in the yolk

Free range eggs have 4-6 times more vitamin D than caged eggs. 

Vitamin D helps in improving the immune system and absorption of calcium among other factors.

6. Free range eggs have more Vitamin A

Free range eggs have 2/3 more vitamin A than caged eggs. 

Vitamin A is essential for healthy vision, boosts immunity, good health and longevity. It is a powerful antioxidant.

7. They have more vitamin E

Free range eggs have 3 times the amount of vitamin E compared to caged eggs. 

Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and it originates from plants.

8. Wide range of B vitamins

Eggs have a wide range of B vitamins, which help convert food into fuel. That is why an egg is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

It is important to note that all of these nutrients are found in the yolk, since the egg white only contains protein.

Given how healthier and more nutritious the free range eggs are, they are a result of chickens raised in a humane way. 

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